
Monday 12 June 2023

All Vinyl A to Z of Africa (Season 2 - Ep.4) - Djibouti to Ethiopia

Welcome to the All Vinyl A to Z of Africa (Season 2) with Natalie and Alban Low. Our aim is to track down a vinyl record from all 60+ African countries, from Algeria to Zimbabwe, and everywhere in between. Each week we feature 5 countries, this week it is Djibouti, Egypt, Equatorial Guinea, Eritrea and Ethiopia. This week we meet the Egyptian singer who composed the Libyan national anthem, the Godfather of Eritrean music, and the "Aretha Franklin of Ethiopia". This programme is part of the A World in London family of radio programmes. Listen to the 1st series on SOAS Radio.

Listen to episode 4 -

Chant prophétique avant le combat - Dancalis de Obock
Jabal Ettaoubad - Mohamed Abdel Wahab
Linda - Bessoso
Barih Getsa - Bereket Mengistab
Min Bedelkut Minew - Bezunesh Bekele

Next week we share vinyl music from Gabon, Gambia, Ghana, Guinea, and Guinea-Bissau.

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