Mark Vidler |
Graham Daniels
Mark Vidler
Date: 30th May 2018
Venue: A World In London, Resonance FM, London, UK
Future: 2018
Jul 13 - Marine Theatre, Lyme Regis, Dorset, UK
Jul 23 - Milton Keynes International Festival VERY SPECIAL GUEST: Performing with
Addictive TV for a special one-off show with be world-famous
percussionist Dame Evelyn Glennie.
Jul 27 - People's Production Lab, Preston, Lancashire, UK
Jul 28 - Storyhouse, Chester, Cheshire, UK
Sep 26 - The Junction, Cambridge , UK
Oct 04 - Constellations, Liverpool , UK
Oct 19 - Phoenix Arts Centre, Bordon, Hampshire, UK
Nov 17 - Crescent Arts Centre, Belfast, UK
Fantastic music on DJ Ritu's #AWIL with
audio visual sound scientists - Addictive TV, who played new tracks,
as well as tracks from there album ‘Orchestra of Samples’.
Graham Daniels and Mark Vidler spoke to Sophie Darling and Norman Druker in the
Resonance 104.4fm studio about piecing together their 200+ puzzle of
human musical samples.
Graham Daniels |
Together they travel the world
gathering global snippets from various improvisations, visiting
countries, schools, villages, individuals to collect, cut up and
re-connect various improvisations and musical clippings. The result:
the Fantastic ‘#Orchestra Of Samples’ released last year, and now
they’re touring with an all-out tech filled show.
Normally accompanied by multiple live
musicians, and a large immersive video depicting the musicians
playing their improvisations as they appear in the songs, the audio -
VISUAL elements become imperative in their live performances, as
you’re treated to the 5th element of the band: the screen, that
clarifies what samples and instruments you hear in each piece.
have just embarked upon an exciting UK tour, Addictive TV are
continuously creating, collecting and producing new and exciting mash
ups. If you go on their website:
http://www.orchestraofsamples.com/ you can download a collection of
the samples they have collected FOR FREE as part of a ‘remix’
Be sure to catch them on their coming
dates in: Poly Arts Centre, Capitol Theatre, Harwich Festival, Marine
Theatre, Int’l Festival, Prod’n’lab, Storyhouse, Junction 12,
Constellations, Pheonix Arts Centre, Cresent Arts Centre.
Special thanks to Norman Druker Sofia
Gaetani Morris Alban Low Francoise Lamy Graham Daniels Mark Vidler DJ
Ritu Resonance 104.4fm SOAS Radio
#addictivetv #OrchestraofSamples #awil
#DJRitu #SOASRadio #SophieandNormanTakeover #SoundsLikeLondon