
I am a full time working artist.
All images are copyright of Alban Low (unless otherwise stated)
Respect me and my work by using my art sympathetically on the internet.
Wherever you use/reproduce images, give the appropriate attribution - artwork by Alban Low.
And if you like my work include my web address too -

If you are going to reproduce them in physical form.
You need to request permission.
Write to me at
I'll get back to you as soon as possible.
If you want me to create work for Albums and Animations then book me in advance.

As a rule of thumb.
If the image is going to be reproduced -
 - for publicity purposes; poster, flyer, concert programme then there's no charge just attribute the work to me.
 - for a book or magazine, then include the title of the book or magazine, the date of publication and ISBN.
Then I claim royalties through the DACS artist's scheme.
 - For Album covers or anything that is being sold we will need to negotiate a fee.
But always request permission.

Thank you,

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