Friday 3 July 2020

The Interloper's Guide to Sennar (Sudan) Ep.4

From the safety of your own home travel with us to Sennar in Sudan. The latest episode of The Interloper's Guide is out today with Harvey Wells, Kevin Acott and Alban Low. 20 minutes of music and spoken vignettes. In Episode 4 they visit Sennar, a town on the Blue Nile, south of Sudan's capital Khartoum (population 100,000+). This programme is part of the 'A World in London' radio series

Listen here or follow the link -

1 - Nile Waves - The Scorpions
2 - Falling Higher - Gaidaa
3 - Sudan - MaMan and Aidyproof
4 - Samha - The Scorpios

Alban talks about my grandfather who worked with the Sudan Defence Force in 1929, and was hit by a canon shot loaded with nails and bed casters. He was a very keen linguist and during his convalescence in the UK studied languages at SOAS. He went on to be the liaison officer and interpreter for King Faisal II of Iraq at George VI's Coronation in 1937.

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