Tuesday, 26 July 2016

Sally Silver - Calais Refugees Benefit Concert

Sally Silver
Sally Silver - soprano
Jeremy Silver - piano

Date - 12th July 2016
Venue - The Forge, Camden, UK
Current Release - SATANELLA (Released February 2016)

Part 2 of Gabriella Swallow and her Urban Family gig in aid of the Calais Jungle Crisis.

Jeremy Silver
The evening at The Forge, Camden directly benefitted Phone Credit For Refugees which is an organisation that provides vital phone credit to refugees and displaced adults and children across Europe. they give the gift of communication to people who are separated from family and friends, miles away from home and in very uncertain circumstances. £20 buys a month's internet and calls providing a lifeline to keep recipients safe and connected. For many unaccompanied children their phone credit is the only safety net they have. To date they have helped over 2500 displaced adults and children make contact with loved ones, stay up to date with news from home and even summon emergency life saving assistance. 

Dreamtime. The space of flickering beauty that exists above the flames or the safety of a secret hollow, the nook of an arm or crook of the neck.

Le Yeux Clos
Small steps along the long wooden slats of a corridor, light pooling in those intersecting Vs where window spill their excesses. The wood is nicked in pale cuts as though a youth has marked the days he has loved or perhaps his conquests.


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