Wednesday 3 July 2019

Chocolate Hills - A Pail of Air

Alex Paterson

Chocolate Hills
Alex Paterson
Paul Conboy

26th June 2019 - A World in London, London, UK

Alex Paterson from The Orb and Paul Conboy from Metamono, present their new combo project Chocolate Hills on this A World in London! 

If Chocolate Hills were edible, they would be rich creamy morsels of cocoa and praline with a melt in the middle centre. The kind you take time over whilst contemplating and retreating from the world into a dreamlike state of bliss. That’s how their music is, not rushed and not rushing anywhere. Just laid back and delectable to be savoured slowly.

In this AWIL interview with The Orb’s Dr. Alex Paterson and Metamono’s Paul Conboy, there was so much that got talked about that it’s hard to unpick it for a write up. But conversation flowed about their forthcoming tours which must include churches- the album launch was at Old St Pancras Church. ‘Just 6 dates should do it’ says Paul. Truthfully every show would be unique given the unplanned unpredictable and improvisational nature of how these guys work. Then there were anecdotes about how they met - over a mountain of pancakes cooked up by Paul in Bali. Whatever he’s cooking up relates to his relationship with analogue synths using real and fresh ingredients - only the best will do - while Alex holds on to his vinyl roots and realness. Sampling, looping, blending, mixing and creating - it’s all a natural experience and second nature for Alex and Paul. They spoke about the radio station they run in a local record shop where they can play nonstop music without any speech.
Paul Conboy
Alex casually mentions some of his long-time mates from the music industry - KLF, Andy Weatherall, and of course Killing Joke producer Youth who’s really more like a blood brother to him. Youth’s record label Painted Word is a true home for Chocolate Hills’ debut album in more ways than one. Ravensbourne School of Art graduate Alex designed the cover for ‘A Pail of Air’, and when I asked him about the evergreen appeal of ambient music since the 90s, he replies emphatically: ‘ethereal music that grabs you by the soul. And testicles’.
Catch these two legends, or ‘leg-ends’ as Alex humbly corrects me, together as Chocolate Hills on this AWIL, because these guys are the most delicious sound to come out of south London in years!

26/6/19 – AWIL 216. Online: Production & pics by Norman Druker, Sophie Darling, Lucas Keen, artist Alban Low. This week Aino Moonga at SOAS Radio, Radio and Youth, Violeta Vicci, and Toby Andersen atResonance. Download the AWIL Album Wonderland 2018 from #Spotify! Top 50 global CDs handpicked by #AWorldinLondon – Click here: #TheSoundofDiverseLondon #ConnectingCulturesThroughMusic – thirteen years - #DJRitu. Live on Wednesdays 6.30pm Resonance 104.4 & 4pm SOAS Radio  Online worldwide at #Mixcloud. Join us on Twitter & Instagram @aworldinlondon @djritu1  

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